We worship as a community at Manning Uniting Church every Sunday at 9.30am. All are welcome.

Our Worship Service involves participation, both formally and informally. Music, singing, words and images are part of our worship. 

Holy Communion is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of the month.  The offer to share in the Lord's meal of bread and wine/juice is open to anyone "who loves the Lord and wants to love Jesus more".

Following the service everyone is invited for a cuppa and to enjoy conversation and community time in the auditorium.  



Join us at 9.30am this Sunday, 17th November, as we worship and praise God through music, song, prayer and the Word. During the service we will celebrate Holy Communion. The offer to share in the Lord's meal of bread and grape juice is open to anyone "who loves the Lord and wants to love Jesus more".
Our worship and communion leader is Rev Lindsay Sheppard. All are welcome.
At the end of the service we have tea, coffee and biscuits together in the auditorium, giving us time to renew friendships and make new ones. If you are visiting or are new please join us for a cuppa and get to know us. We look forward to having you worship with us.
Bible Readings: 1 Samuel 1: 4-20, 2:1-10 Hebrews 10: 11-25 Mark 13: 1-8
Today’s pre-Advent readings foreshadow the prophetic warnings and hope that come with the early readings in Advent. Mary’s Magnificat closely mirrors Hannah’s song of praise (1 Samuel 2:1-10). Together, these women celebrate the miracle of life—springing forth, and overcoming despair and fear.
Hope wins the day, as barrenness is banished and fertile ground is found (1 Samuel 1).
Hope wins the day, as the hungry are fed with abundance, and the poor are raised up to seats of honour (1 Samuel 2).
Hope wins the day, as sins are forgiven through Christ’s grace (Hebrews 10).
