We worship as a community at Manning Uniting Church every Sunday at 9.30am. All are welcome.

Our Worship Service involves participation, both formally and informally. Music, singing, words and images are part of our worship. 

Holy Communion is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of the month.  The offer to share in the Lord's meal of bread and wine/juice is open to anyone "who loves the Lord and wants to love Jesus more".

Following the service everyone is invited for a cuppa and to enjoy conversation and community time in the auditorium.  



Manning Uniting Church warmly invites you to worship on Sunday, 19th January at 9.30am.  During the service we will celebrate Holy Communion. The offer to share in the Lord's meal of bread and grape juice is open to anyone "who loves the Lord and wants to love Jesus more". Our worship and communion leader is Rev Lindsay Sheppard. All are welcome. 

The service will be followed by tea, coffee and biscuits in the auditorium.  If you are visiting or are new please join us for a cuppa and get to know us.

Bible Readings:   Isaiah 62: 1-5    Psalm 36: 5-10    1 Corinthians 12: 1-11    John 2: 1-11

In our epistle reading from the first Letter to the Corinthians, Paul turns to the subject of spiritual gifts and spells out that not only are they all given by the Holy Spirit, they are for the purpose of building up Christ’s body, the church.  Whilst all of us have gifts and talents, and they come in different shapes and sizes, sometimes we might need a bit of a push or to be prodded into allowing these gifts to be used.

John’s gospel has been called the book of signs. Our gospel reading comes from the second chapter and is the first of seven signs which John records, when Jesus changes water into wine at a wedding in Cana.  At the conclusion of his gospel, John tells his readers that he has included these signs in order that they may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God and that by believing they may have life in his name.  For us, as we are in the season of Epiphany, we have the added incentive of peeling open the story to see how God reveals himself in and through the actions of his son.

Art:  “The Wedding at Cana” by Jen Norton
