Manning Uniting Church - Connecting, Gathering, Growing, Giving…
Manning Uniting Church serves the communities of Taree, Cundletown, Old Bar and Tinonee. The church has a heavy emphasis on social justice.
Office hours are 9.30am to 1.00pm Tuesday to Friday.
Bookings: The church's main centre in the heart of Taree houses the church building, offices, an auditorium and meeting rooms. Most of these spaces are available for booking for meetings, training, conferences etc. Contact the office for bookings. The church building and auditorium have modern audio-visual facilities, including data projectors, DVD players, screens and sound system. These rooms, as well as the smaller rooms available for hire, all have air-conditioning.
The facility also houses the Red Dove Cafe, which is open to the public for breakfast, lunch and snacks from 9.30am to 2.00pm Tuesday to Friday.
Street Library:
In the court between the cafe and the church is a street library, and there is also a library in the cafe. Anyone is welcome to take from and contribute to these libraries.
Here are ways in which we might be able to help:

- Emergency welfare services are available on Fridays between 9.30am–12.30pm. No appointment necessary. Current income statement from Centrelink required.
- Friday table: Fresh vegetables & bread and pet food subject to availability from table in Foyer on Friday mornings from 9.30am–12.30pm.
- Wesley Barbecue and Community Hub: 9.30am–12.30pm 2nd & 4th Friday Forecourt and Auditorium
- Shower and bathroom facilities during office hours Tuesday–Friday from 9.30am–1.00pm. Towels and toiletries can be provided.
- Orange Sky Laundry operates outside Manning UC on Friday mornings from 10.00am–12.00pm.

WORSHIP SERVICES @ Manning Uniting Church on Sundays:
All are welcome to our worship services on Sundays commencing at 9.30am in the church.
Morning tea will follow the service. If you are visiting or are new we would love to meet you. Please introduce yourself, join us for a cuppa and learn more about Manning UC.
Go to our WORSHIP PAGE for more details on our Sunday in person service and links to access on-line worship and other ways to continue to practise and deepen your faith at home.
The mainspring of our vision at Manning Uniting Church remains connecting.
- We ALL have a part to play in ensuring that we keep each other connected and in good spirits. Let’s commit to calling someone from church (and beyond) each day – especially those on the ‘margins’.
- If you feel vulnerable out in the community and would like food or medical supplies delivered – or help in any way – please let us know.
If you're in need of pastoral support or prayer, please contact us.
For the latest on worship services and happenings at MUC keep checking our Facebook page and website.
Keep up to date with news from National Assembly and NSW/ACT Synod websites. See also relevant posts on Presbytery News and Synod News.
Manning is part of the Mid North Coast Presbytery - its website provides resources and further information about the Uniting Church in Australia.